New DIN 14024-2: Requirements for specialized companies and personnel


A digital BOS object radio system is an essential tool for effective communication during firefighting operations. It enables seamless communication between rescue personnel and the command center, resulting in optimal rescue measures. With the introduction of the new DIN 14024-2 standard, specific guidelines have been defined for specialized firms and professionals in the field. These guidelines mandate the implementation of a suitable quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015-11, 7.5, and the possession of expertise in regulations and provisions. UDS Consultancy offers training and advisory services to support specialized firms in meeting these requirements. The future of communication in rescue operations lies in digital technologies.

New DIN 14024-2: Requirements for BOS-Objektfunkanlagen professionals and firms

Digitale BOS-Objektfunkanlagen: UDS Beratung berät zur geplanten DIN (Foto: UDS Beratung GmbH)

Digitale BOS-Objektfunkanlagen: UDS Beratung berät zur geplanten DIN (Foto: UDS Beratung GmbH)

The DIN 14024-2 complements the existing standards of DIN EN 16763 for BOS object radio systems. It covers the design and operation of the systems in the first part, while the second part defines specific requirements for specialized companies and professionals. The main focus is on providing evidence of a suitable quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015-11, 7.5. Additionally, professionals must continuously stay informed about regulations and requirements and demonstrate their expertise through project experience and training certificates.

UDS Beratung: Expertise in Fire Alarm and Security Systems

UDS Consulting is a highly experienced company specializing in supporting specialized firms in the field of fire alarm systems and security systems. With their expertise in fire protection and safety, they offer training courses on the DIN EN 16763 standard and provide consultancy services for the certification of specialized businesses according to ISO 9001. Through their extensive knowledge and practical training, UDS Consulting assists specialized firms in meeting the requirements of the new standard.

New DIN 14024-2 enhances communication in emergency response

Digitale BOS-Objektfunkanlagen: UDS Beratung berät zur geplanten DIN (Foto: UDS Beratung GmbH)

Digitale BOS-Objektfunkanlagen: UDS Beratung berät zur geplanten DIN (Foto: UDS Beratung GmbH)

The introduction of the new DIN 14024-2 brings numerous benefits to rescue operations. With digital BOS object radio systems, uninterrupted and interference-free communication between emergency personnel and command centers is ensured. This allows for optimal utilization of resources and significantly contributes to the success of rescue missions. UDS Beratung, as a partner, assists specialized companies in expanding their expertise and meeting the requirements of the new standard. The future of communication in rescue operations is digital, and with the right partners, this future is being successfully shaped.

Training sessions on BOS object radio systems can be requested at, focusing on topics such as basics, DIN 14024, display procedures, measurements, and verification.

Digital BOS-object radio systems are revolutionizing communication in emergency response situations. The new DIN 14024-2 sets specific requirements for specialized companies and professionals to ensure high-quality implementation. UDS Consultancy provides training and consulting services to support these companies in meeting the norm’s demands. By having the right equipment and expertise, rescue operations become more efficient and successful. The future of communication in emergency response is digital, and with the right partners, this future can be secure and reliable.

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