Discover the Future of Industry: Experience the World of Technology


The interactive technology exhibition of the DISCOVER INDUSTRY experience-learning truck provides students with a hands-on experience of how engineers work and the exciting tasks that MINT professions offer. As part of the “SÜDWESTMETALL macht Bildung” educational initiative, the truck allows registered school classes to try out various technologies such as 3D scanning, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Accompanied by coaches, the students learn how these technologies are used in the digitalized Industry 4.0 to develop and manufacture products. On the Day of Industry, all interested individuals can visit the exhibition.

Discover the Future of Industry: Explore the World of Technology

Am Modell der Smart Factory können die Schülerinnen und Schüler (Foto: DISCOVER INDUSTRY des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

Am Modell der Smart Factory können die Schülerinnen und Schüler (Foto: DISCOVER INDUSTRY des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

In the modern world of industry, connectivity is key, with humans, machines, and products working together seamlessly. Digital technologies play a vital role in enabling this level of collaboration. Traditional professions such as electronics and mechanical engineering are now being joined by emerging roles like data analysts and user experience developers. The DISCOVER INDUSTRY experience-learning truck, part of the COACHING4FUTURE educational program, showcases the essential skills needed in today’s workforce to young people interested in MINT careers. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the interactive exhibition on September 21st, at the URACA company premises in Bad Urach.

Hands-on Experience: Exploring Future Tasks in the DISCOVER INDUSTRY Truck

Inside the DISCOVER INDUSTRY experience-learning truck, registered students can explore the role they can play in important future tasks through a technical education or an engineering degree. They step into the shoes of entrepreneurs and learn the necessary steps to bring a self-conceived product to market at five workstations. They create a digital prototype using a 3D scanner, examine workpieces and materials with a digital microscope, 3D print test objects, and navigate an industrial robot through a coordinate system. They also discover how machines and products can communicate using RFID chips. Finally, they explore virtual warehousing and assemble parts into a motor block using a VR headset. Additionally, they can maintain a chainsaw or receive digital worker instructions through augmented reality exhibits.

Joint Program COACHING4FUTURE promotes qualified skilled workforce

Zu Beginn des Workshops gehen die Schülerinnen und Schüler auf (Foto: DISCOVER INDUSTRY des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

Zu Beginn des Workshops gehen die Schülerinnen und Schüler auf (Foto: DISCOVER INDUSTRY des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

The program COACHING4FUTURE is a collaborative effort between the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, the employer association SÜDWESTMETALL, and the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency. Its aim is to promote qualified skilled workers. The Baden-Württemberg Foundation is dedicated to creating a vibrant and livable Baden-Württemberg and invests exclusively and non-partisanly in the future of the state. SÜDWESTMETALL is a strong partner for the metal and electrical industry in Baden-Württemberg and actively promotes the strengthening of MINT education. The Federal Employment Agency performs comprehensive service tasks for the labor and training market and supports, among other things, career guidance and counseling.

Experience the World of Technology in the DISCOVER INDUSTRY Truck!

The DISCOVER INDUSTRY experience-learning truck provides students with the opportunity to get up close and personal with the world of technology. In the interactive exhibition, they can try out various technologies and learn how they are used in the digitalized Industry 4.0 to develop and manufacture products. The COACHING4FUTURE program is dedicated to nurturing qualified professionals in the field and showcases the essential skills required for careers in STEM fields. Visit the exhibition and explore the fascinating world of technology!

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