LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH: A New Name for a New Phase


The Andreas Laubner GmbH is undergoing a significant transformation as it transitions to the new name LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH starting from June 1, 2024. This rebranding not only represents an important milestone in the company’s history but also signifies a strategic shift towards a holistic approach and focus on comprehensive solutions.

LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH: A New Name for a New Phase

The renaming of the company from Andreas Laubner GmbH to LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH signifies a transition into a new phase, while maintaining the promise of quality and reliability that has been associated with Andreas Laubner’s strong brand. This rebranding also allows for a sharpened focus on the company’s core competencies and innovation capabilities.

LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH expands services to offer comprehensive solutions

The company’s name change reflects its expanded range of services. LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH not only sells Auto-ID hardware, but also offers customized software solutions from reputable providers, as well as its own applications. Additionally, the company is expanding its services in maintenance, radio frequency coverage, and repairs to provide customers with comprehensive, integrated solutions.

Michael Hillenbrand takes over sole management of LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH

Michael Hillenbrand, who has shared the management position with Andreas Laubner since 2021, will take over sole responsibility for the management of the company from 2023. Hillenbrand brings his own innovative solutions, such as the biometric authentication platform Nymi and the Enterprise Touchscreens from Elo, to the table. With this realignment, Hillenbrand aims to position LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH as the preferred partner for companies in identification processes, not only regionally, but also throughout Germany and Europe.

LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH: The Evolution of a Company

The renaming of Andreas Laubner GmbH to LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH highlights the continuous development of the company. From a small printer technology company, LAUBNER ID Solutions has evolved into a solutions brand for logistics, production, and commerce. This demonstrates the company’s growth and adaptability to dynamic market conditions and customer needs. The rebranding signifies a strategic shift towards offering comprehensive solutions in the identification processes for businesses in various industries. It exemplifies LAUBNER ID Solutions’ commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH: Your First Choice Partner for Identification Processes

The rebranding of LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH signifies the company’s ambition to establish itself as the top partner for identification processes not only in the local market but also across Germany and Europe. This name change reflects the company’s evolution from a small operation to an international player in the industry. While the company logo remains the same, the removal of “Auto” from “Auto-ID” emphasizes the expansion into biometric authentication and enterprise displays, ensuring clarity and highlighting the company’s innovative solutions.

LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH looks forward to a promising future

The management and all employees of LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH are excited about the future ahead under the new name. They would like to express their gratitude to all customers and partners for their continued trust and support.

LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH: Expanding Services and Innovative Solutions

The rebranding of LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH brings a multitude of benefits. The expanded range of services, now including customized software solutions and services in addition to Auto-ID hardware, allows the company to provide comprehensive, integrated solutions. The fresh approach of the new CEO, Michael Hillenbrand, introduces innovative solutions such as the biometric authentication platform Nymi and Elo’s Enterprise Touchscreens.

LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH aims to be the top choice partner for companies in identification processes, not only locally but also throughout Germany and Europe. The renaming of the company highlights its growth and development while maintaining its commitment to quality and reliability. LAUBNER ID Solutions GmbH is dedicated to continuously evolving and adapting to meet the needs of the market and its customers.

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