Accelerating the Expansion of High Voltage Networks for Successful Energy Transition


High-voltage networks play a crucial role in the transformation of the energy supply and the successful integration of renewable energies. The Brandenburg Ministry of Energy, in collaboration with the distribution network operators E.DIS Netz GmbH, MITNETZ Strom, and WEMAG Netz GmbH, has presented a Ten-Point Program to shorten planning and approval times and to strengthen personnel capacities.

Importance of High-Voltage Networks for Renewable Energy Integration

High-voltage networks, especially the 110-kilovolt (kV) lines, are crucial for the integration of renewable energies as they transmit over 90 percent of the generated renewable electricity to consumption regions. These networks serve as a link between the areas of electricity generation and consumption, facilitating the efficient and reliable transport of renewable energy. The 110-kV lines play a vital role in balancing the supply and demand of renewable electricity and ensuring a stable and sustainable energy supply.

High-voltage networks crucial for renewable energy integration and business growth in Brandenburg

High-voltage networks play a crucial role in the integration of renewable energies and are a prerequisite for the establishment of energy-intensive companies. The state of Brandenburg is at the forefront of the energy transition and aims to maintain this position. The joint ten-point program of the Brandenburg distribution network operators and the Ministry of Energy aims to address the key challenges and ensure shorter processing times.

Brandenburg’s Ten-Point Program focuses on streamlining approval processes

The Ten-Point Program focuses on several key areas, including increasing personnel resources at the State Office for Mining, Geology and Raw Materials (LBGR) and the network operators, as well as standardizing, digitizing, and streamlining the approval processes. Enhanced project management and systematic controlling are essential for making the processes more efficient. Additionally, the State of Brandenburg and the network operators are advocating for legislative improvements at the federal level.

Ten-point program addresses efficiency and acceleration of network expansion

The Ten-Point Program identifies the potential for efficiency and acceleration within the current legal and procedural framework and proposes concrete suggestions for improving the legislative framework at the federal level. Its aim is to ensure that the expansion of the high-voltage grid keeps pace with the dynamic development in the sector.

Key Role of Distribution Networks for Successful Energy Transition

The distribution networks in Brandenburg play a crucial role in the success of the energy transition. The expansion and upgrading of the network infrastructure is essential for integrating the numerous generation plants. The proposals in the Ten-Point Program put forth by the distribution network operators represent an important step towards aligning the pace of expansion of the power grid infrastructure with that of the generation facilities.

Importance of 110-kV grids for successful energy transition

The performance capability of the 110 kV networks is crucial for the success of the energy transition. The recently published network expansion plans, scheduled for April 30, 2024, provide a clear overview of the challenges that lie ahead in the coming years. These plans serve as the foundation for the necessary distribution network expansion until 2045.

Accelerated expansion of high-voltage networks in Brandenburg drives energy transition

The accelerated expansion of high-voltage networks in Brandenburg is a key factor in the transformation of energy supply and the integration of renewable energies. The Ten-Point Program, initiated by the Brandenburg distribution network operators and the Ministry of Energy, aims to shorten planning and approval times and strengthen personnel capacities. Through intensified standardization, digitalization, and streamlining of approval processes, the program seeks to make the processes more efficient. The expansion and modernization of the network infrastructure are essential for integrating the numerous generation plants and achieving the goals of the energy transition. The performance capability of the high-voltage networks plays a crucial role in this context. The Ten-Point Program represents an important step towards addressing the challenges and driving the energy transition successfully.

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