COACHING4FUTURE and DISCOVER INDUSTRY: Hands-on Experience in MINT Careers


COACHING4FUTURE, in collaboration with the DISCOVER INDUSTRY experience learning truck, is visiting Windeck-Gymnasium in Bühl from June 24th to 26th, 2024. Through the interactive exhibition, two coaches will demonstrate to students the tasks and technologies used in modern industrial professions. Students will have the opportunity to try out applications such as 3D scanning and robotics, gaining insights into the creation of products in the fully digitalized Industry 4.0. This event, supported by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, the employer association SÜDWESTMETALL, and the Federal Employment Agency, is a part of the school’s career guidance program, aiming to promote the development of skilled workers in the MINT field.

High demand for skilled technical and engineering professionals

Am Modell der Smart Factory können die Schülerinnen und Schüler (Foto: Coaching-Teams des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

Am Modell der Smart Factory können die Schülerinnen und Schüler (Foto: Coaching-Teams des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

According to the Fachkräftemonitor of the IHKs in Baden-Württemberg, there is already a significant gap in highly qualified technical and engineering professions. This gap will only grow larger in the coming years due to the increasing number of people retiring. To address this issue, the Erlebnis-Lern-Truck DISCOVER INDUSTRY, as part of the COACHING4FUTURE educational program, provides practical insights into the diversity of MINT professions. From June 24th to 26th, 2024, the truck will be open to registered school classes on the schoolyard of Windeck-Gymnasium in Bühl.

Exploring Future Careers in Technology and Engineering at Mobile Exhibition

In the mobile interactive exhibition of the truck, students from grades 8 to 12, along with coaches Marcel Michel and Marco Umstätter, explore how a technical education or an engineering degree can enable them to contribute to forward-thinking tasks such as sustainable mobility or the city of tomorrow. The exhibition showcases educational and career paths for various professions in industrial settings, providing students with a glimpse into the future of these fields.

Zu Beginn des Workshops gehen die Schülerinnen und Schüler auf (Foto: Coaching-Teams des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

Zu Beginn des Workshops gehen die Schülerinnen und Schüler auf (Foto: Coaching-Teams des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

During the tour of the interactive exhibition, students take on the role of entrepreneurs who want to bring their own product to the market. Equipped with tablets, they learn about the necessary steps at five workstations. Using a 3D scanner, they create a digital prototype by scanning objects and obtaining CAD data that can be further processed on a computer. They then examine workpieces and materials with a digital microscope or print test objects with a 3D printer. Once they have mastered these tasks, they can try guiding an industrial robot through a coordinate system. Additionally, a smart filling system demonstrates how machines and products communicate via RFID chips. Finally, the students explore a virtual warehouse and assemble parts using VR goggles.

Students can try out high-tech applications in the truck

After exploring the exhibition, students have the opportunity to try out additional high-tech applications in the truck. Using Augmented Reality (AR), they can, for example, maintain a chainsaw or perform a digital worker guidance using a data glasses.

Eine Arbeitsstation zeigt, wie komplex Lagerhaltung und (Foto: Coaching-Teams des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

Eine Arbeitsstation zeigt, wie komplex Lagerhaltung und (Foto: Coaching-Teams des Programms COACHING4FUTURE)

In the subsequent workshops on the upper floor of the DISCOVER INDUSTRY truck, the girls and boys learn about the importance of creative thinking in technical professions. Under the guidance of the coaches, they develop their own smartphone app using intuitive block programming, even without any knowledge of computer science. Additionally, they receive information about career opportunities and the various paths to a technical profession.

The COACHING4FUTURE and DISCOVER INDUSTRY programs offer young people a practical insight into MINT professions. Through the use of the experiential learning truck, they have the opportunity to try out applications such as 3D scanning and robotics, gaining firsthand experience of how products are created in the Industry 4.0. This event plays a significant role in the school’s career orientation program and is supported by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation, the employers’ association SÜDWESTMETALL, and the Federal Employment Agency to promote the development of skilled workers in the MINT field.

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