Fraunhofer IFF opens state-of-the-art Elbfabrik research facility


The Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF) has recently inaugurated its new research and demonstration facility, the Elbfabrik, in Magdeburg’s Science Harbor. This state-of-the-art facility provides a collaborative platform for partners from industry and academia to explore innovative solutions for the future of production. With an impressive attendance of around 500 guests, including prominent figures such as Minister President Dr. Reiner Haseloff and Magdeburg’s Mayor Simone Borris, the opening ceremony highlighted the significance of this facility for advancing manufacturing technologies.

Fraunhofer IFF collaborates with partners to develop cutting-edge technologies in Elbfabrik

The Fraunhofer IFF researchers, in collaboration with partners from universities, companies, and startups, are jointly developing cutting-edge technologies in the Elbfabrik. These technologies are then swiftly implemented into practical applications. The Elbfabrik, a state-of-the-art research and demonstration facility, covers an area of approximately 1,600 square meters and includes various test areas, laboratories, creative spaces, and coworking spaces.

The Elbfabrik showcases over 20 demonstrators that illustrate the cutting-edge technologies enabling the production of the future and the intelligent and interconnected control of processes. Visitors can witness the presence of autonomous mobile robots, assisted picking and assembly stations, as well as automated parts processing and inspection systems. Notably, the facility features an innovative smart floor and a control center for energy and production management. This control center integrates energy management with the components of the Manufacturing Execution System to create a comprehensive digital representation of the factory.

The Importance of Human Role in Future Production

The scientists at Fraunhofer IFF emphasize the importance of human involvement in future production. They showcase planning tools and innovative assistance systems that demonstrate how to maintain dignified industrial jobs while achieving a high level of automation.

Fraunhofer IFF develops solutions to secure Germany’s manufacturing future

The Elbfabrik, led by Prof. Dr. Julia Arlinghaus, is dedicated to developing innovative solutions that contribute to securing Germany’s position as a center of value creation. With a focus on addressing the challenges of the 21st century, such as climate change, demographic changes, and global political disruptions, the Elbfabrik aims to help businesses become crisis-resistant and future-proof. By making cutting-edge technologies accessible to not only large corporations but also small and medium-sized enterprises, the Elbfabrik plays a vital role in fostering the transfer of scientific knowledge to practical applications in the industry.

Minister President emphasizes importance of Elbfabrik for small and medium-sized enterprises

Minister-President Dr. Reiner Haseloff emphasized the significance of the Elbfabrik for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sachsen-Anhalt. SMEs are the backbone of our economy and they require support in adopting new technologies. The Elbfabrik will provide this support, making today a milestone not only for the Fraunhofer IFF but also for the businesses in our country.

Elbfabrik: A Hub for Sustainable Production Solutions

The opening of the Elbfabrik in Magdeburg is a significant milestone for the city and the region, as it highlights the strong tradition of science and research in the area. With this state-of-the-art facility, the Fraunhofer Institute is taking a major step towards reimagining the world from Magdeburg. The focus is clearly on creating a sustainable future, as the Elbfabrik will bring together local expertise with partners from universities, companies, and startups worldwide to develop sustainable solutions for production and logistics processes, not only regionally but also nationally and internationally.

Expansion of existing building creates Elbfabrik complex

The Elbfabrik was created by expanding an existing building in the Science Harbor. Construction of the expansion began in 2019 with the laying of the foundation stone, and it now seamlessly integrates with the existing building to form a unified complex.

The funding of approximately 19.8 million euros for the project was secured through a combination of support from the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE), the federal government, the state of Saxony-Anhalt, and the Fraunhofer Society.

The opening of the Elbfabrik represents a significant milestone for the German industry and the economic location of Saxony-Anhalt. Through the collaboration of science and industry in this state-of-the-art research and demonstration facility, innovative solutions for future production will be developed, assisting companies in preparing for the challenges of the 21st century. The Elbfabrik will make an important contribution to the advancement of production and logistics processes, not only regionally but also nationally and internationally.

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