Discover the Advantages of LoRaWAN: Long Range and Low Energy Consumption


The annual LoRaWAN Live Event in Munich, taking place from June 19th to 20th, 2024, provides a platform for global leaders and newcomers in the LoRaWAN industry to showcase the latest advancements and solutions in wireless technology. Zenner, as a Gold Sponsor, will be present throughout the event, demonstrating their innovative solutions and expertise in the field.

LoRaWAN: The International Open Wireless Standard for IoT Applications

LoRaWAN is a globally recognized and open wireless standard designed specifically for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It stands out for its impressive transmission range and ability to penetrate buildings. Moreover, LoRaWAN’s low energy consumption during transmission makes it ideal for battery-powered sensors and devices. This technology offers a reliable and efficient solution for IoT connectivity, enabling seamless communication between devices in various industries.

Zenner operates one of Europe’s largest LoRaWAN networks

Zenner, as an active member and sponsor of the LoRa Alliance, operates one of the largest LoRaWAN networks in Europe. With over a hundred thousand LoRaWAN gateways and seven million sensors, the company offers a comprehensive portfolio of meters, sensors, and gateways to its customers. The team’s extensive expertise enables the implementation of practical use cases for Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, and Utilities.

Zenner showcases practical examples of LoRaWAN’s strengths at event

Zenner has been at the forefront of leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) through LoRaWAN for almost a decade. This technology enables a wide range of sustainable applications, including smart waste management, demand-driven control of public lighting, intelligent parking systems, consumption meter reading, and monitoring of groundwater levels and water quality. At the upcoming event, Zenner will showcase their solutions and demonstrate the strengths of LoRaWAN through practical examples.

Experience Zenner’s Sustainable and Innovative LoRaWAN Solutions in Munich

Zenner’s team will be present in Munich from June 19th to 20th, inviting all interested individuals to explore their sustainable and innovative LoRaWAN solutions firsthand at their demo booth. This event offers the opportunity to learn about the future of IoT and the advantages of LoRaWAN.

LoRaWAN: Advantages for IoT with long range and low energy consumption

LoRaWAN, with its high transmission range, low energy consumption, and robust networking capabilities, is a game-changer for the Internet of Things (IoT). It enables the implementation of diverse IoT use cases and supports companies in digitizing cities, buildings, and utilities. The upcoming LoRaWAN Live Event in Munich presents an excellent opportunity to stay updated on the latest developments and solutions in the field and engage in discussions about the future of IoT.

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