Close Collaboration between Trades is Crucial for Smart Home Integration


The successful integration of smart technologies into Smart Home solutions relies heavily on close collaboration between the building and electrical installation trades. A recent study has highlighted the SHK installation companies’ dependence on the expertise of the electrical trade. However, fewer SHK crafts firms are open to further training in programming and electrical installation procedures. Nevertheless, the German SHK trade plays a significant role in the future Smart Building market.

From Smart Home to Smart Building: Advancing Home Efficiency

The term “Smart Home” is often associated with the use of individual intelligent digital assistants in the household, such as light switches or smart blinds and heating controls. However, “Smart Building” takes it a step further by integrating all elements of a house to make the usage more efficient.

Smart products revolutionize the SHK industry in Germany

Smart products are revolutionizing the SHK industry by extending beyond household applications. In bathrooms, heating, and ventilation systems, there are countless opportunities for intelligent solutions. German installations focus on smart thermostats for heating and cooling, zone controls for radiators, and advanced systems for water leak detection, water heating, and drainage.

Study highlights the need for collaboration in integrating smart technologies

The integration of smart applications requires additional effort and extends beyond the usual workflow. According to the study, close collaboration with the electrical installation trade is essential for almost four-fifths of SHK installation companies. However, there is less agreement with the statement that SHK installation firms should build more IT know-how and acquire traditional electrical installation competencies.

German SHK Industry Less Interested in Expanding Skillset

The German HVAC trade shows less interest in expanding their skills beyond their own field compared to other European countries. This could be attributed to the strict separation of trades in Germany, which is more pronounced than in neighboring countries.

German SHK companies rank second in Europe for implementing smart skills

German HVAC companies have shown impressive progress in implementing smart competencies within their operations, ranking second in Europe. This success can be attributed to their early investments in acquiring smart expertise. While other countries have yet to catch up, German SHK firms have established themselves as leaders in the field, demonstrating their commitment to staying ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving world of smart technologies.

Smart technology integration opens new opportunities for SHK craftsmanship

The integration of smart technologies presents new opportunities for the SHK trade. Close collaboration with the electrical installation sector is indispensable for the efficient implementation of smart buildings. While the German SHK trade may be less receptive to expanding their skillset, many businesses have already invested in smart expertise and are well-positioned. By fostering partnerships and pursuing further training, additional advantages can be realized.

Collaboration and Training Essential for SHK Craftsmen in Smart Building Technology

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